Website photography and imagery

The importance of making imagery work for your brand and website[ 3 min read ]

Photography and website imagery

Photography and website imagery were the topic of conversation several times, today.
First, I had my photo taken and I remembered how much I hate being photographed but it is such a useful medium for websites and social media – especially when you’re a small/micro business. Selfies aren’t always appropriate (depending on your brand and brand voice, of course) and it’s often nice to have key events and milestones professionally captured.
I actually studied photography a long time ago and worked freelance for a short time doing weddings and events (some of my work featured above). But, my heart wasn’t in it, I think I enjoyed it more as a hobby and so I sold all my equipment and find myself where I am today with zero regrets.

Using it to improve brand and websites

Later, we were discussing a website in the office and again, imagery was a topic. The website belonged to a micro business who had started out selling handmade goods on a market stall and who had only just moved into her own premises. And yet, the imagery and branding on her well built website gave the impression she was long established and a well-loved successful brand.

It was great to see the lady had grasped that the investment in all three areas – branding, website and imagery – are a strong step on the road to success and a crucial part of a business-building long term plan.
Often, start-ups don’t have the budget for any of these key areas and unfortunately, often find they struggle to get the recognition they deserve for their great product.

So what’s the choice for cash-tight start-ups?

My advice in these situations would be to get a strong brand as early as you can and work on the other areas when the funds are available – but no matter what you do, do it to the best of your budget and ability. And, invest as soon as you can.

How to get good imagery

When it comes to the imagery, if you can’t afford professional photography, why not look at buying a small camera and spending some time learning to take some winning snaps. There are often local courses, or to save even more money look for online tutorials and videos. DIY photography, if done right, can be a cheaper option and often quicker to get photos there and then in the moment.

Another option, if appropriate, would be to look at stock photography. There are places where good quality images can be downloaded for free – and most importantly, copyright free. And other places where images can be bought for a small fee – anywhere from under a pound to £20 (or more), depending on the popularity, quality and size.

If you need us

We have accounts in some of these places so we can source images where necessary for our clients. And, of course we have a contact book of competent (and reasonably priced) graphic designers, branding and marketing experts or photographers.

Suzi Smart Bear

I'm Suzi - the owner of The Smart Bear.

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